COP26 Built Environment Virtual Pavilion

The UN Climate Change Conference, aka COP26, is being held in Glasgow this year. Our friends at Grainger PLC are a commercial partner of the COP26 Built Environment Virtual Pavilion

The Pavilion - called Build Better Now - is designed to showcase how the built environment sector will tackle the climate and ecological crises. It will be open throughout the COP26 Climate Conference from 31st October to 12th November.

COYO is proud to be working with Grainger PLC through our built environment education project with Transport for London. Many of COYOs partners are involved with the exhibition, so do have a look to see if your Adopter is listed and speak to your contact to find out more about what they are doing for COP26. 

The exhibition will be useful for all DEC students, to discover new case studies and the latest thinking and technology in environmental, social and economic activity in the built environment sector. Together, we are working towards a Net Zero future

Access the Exhibition

The Pavilion’s Virtual Exhibition will showcase best practice in net zero carbon built environment projects. It will feature exemplar projects from around the world and is designed to share innovative, sustainable ideas for buildings, cities and infrastructure. The Exhibition can be accessed from laptops, tablets or mobile devices and will be available here from 31st October: